
学生活动 works to provide experiences that enhance the learning environment 和 contribute to a sense of community among students at MECC. 学生活动赞助校园活动, 举办实地考察到当地的兴趣点, 提供教育以提高生活质量, 并支持学生领导和公民参与.

学生俱乐部 & 组织

所有俱乐部都对MECC在读学生开放. Most organizations have membership qualifications; see below for more information. 推荐几个靠谱的买球网站办公室, 位于霍尔顿大厅, is responsible for coordinating 和 implementing the policies 和 procedures pertaining to the operation of campus organizations 和 activities.

The student diplomat program is a group of talented student leaders who represent MECC in a variety of ways. Student 外交官 provide 支持 within student services 和 are granted many leadership opportunities on campus. 学生 are also engaged in diverse activities 和 community service projects that encourage teamwork, 合作, 诚信与职业行为. 资格要求:

  • 最低平均绩点3.0(首次入学的学生可获豁免)
  • 候选人必须注册至少6个学期学分
  • 愿意承诺至少一个学期的商定时间表
  • Be willing to adhere to the Diplomat Dress Code 和 present a well-groomed 和 professional appearance 和 attitude

申请于5月1日至7月1日接受. 指导老师: 戴尔李

The 工程科技社 provides students with the chance to learn more about engineering technology outside of the classroom. 组织召开会议, 计划实地考察, 社交活动, 参与社区服务, 举办募捐活动, 做项目. 指导老师: 杰克侍从

Serves to promote awareness of local environmental issues within our communities 和 give students the opportunity to work in the field during club projects. 俱乐部成员聚在一起到当地的小溪/河流清理垃圾和碎片. 我们还将在鲍威尔河项目上做一些工作,比如种植幼苗. The 环境科学 club meets in the 环境科学 Lab at 12:15 on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. 指导老师: 阿内克Ogbonnaya

The 同性恋异性恋联盟 strives to foster a more accepting campus for all students, 无论他们的性取向或性别认同如何, 通过教育, 支持, 社会行动, 和宣传. Schools can be truly safe only when every student is assured of access to an education without fear of harassment, 暴力, 或嘲笑. 最终, 我们努力将所有性取向的人聚集在一起, 是直的吗?, 同性恋, 双性恋或变性者, 我们相信人人生而平等. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学院顾问: aramsey@作为国内.edu.

治疗手 is a student organization incorporated into the Practical Nursing program. 疗愈之手的使命是加强同情心的传递, 通过为学生提供获得知识的机会,提供优质的医疗保健服务, 技术技能, 以及领导力发展. The goal of 治疗手 is to also promote the awareness of self 和 each other’s role in the community. 指导老师: 莉娜Whisenhunt

MECC offers flag football in the fall from September to the first week of November. The flag football season ends with the Battle of the Borders Flag Football Tournament at UVA-Wise, 与其他近20所学校竞争. MECC also has basketball in the spring, which culminates with the MECC Intramural Tournament. MECC还参加了服务区域的各种篮球比赛.

LIFE Campus Ministries is a Bible study that brings light to God’s availability to our every need 和 His willingness to be our Father 和 closest companion. 顾问: 阿什利人工养殖珍珠香农Fritts

MECC学生退伍军人组织致力于参与管理, 教师, staff 和 local veterans 支持 services to improve the educational experience for all MECC student veterans 和 their families. 所有注册的退伍军人都可以成为会员, 服务人员, 教师, 以及MECC的退伍军人. 毕业的会员将被授予校友会员身份. 学生退伍军人将受到友谊的欢迎, 支持, 和 access to resources that will not only enhance their educational experience but will provide social 和 cultural awareness opportunities that will last a lifetime. 指导老师: 莉娜恩典

功绩是一个俱乐部的学生接受呼吸护理计划. 优点 participates in fundraising activities 和 community service activities to raise awareness of health promotion within our school community 和 the regional community as a whole. 优点 is the organizing 和 sponsoring student club for the four annual blood drives at MECC 和 raises money for other community projects as the need arises. Requirements for membership: Accepted students currently enrolled within the Respiratory Therapy Program. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学院顾问: 韦斯·马林斯.

Phi Theta Kappa是两年制大学的国际荣誉协会. 荣誉学会会员资格只接受邀请. Invitations for PTK are automatically emailed by  the PTK advisor in the Fall 和 Spring. 要获得邀请,学生必须满足以下要求:

  • 参加副学士课程
  • 参加选定的证书课程,并注册六个学分.
  • 完成12个学分,成绩为3.平均绩点5分或以上
  • Complete a membership application 和 pay the one-time membership fee to the International Headquarters
  • 保持3分.成为Phi Theta Kappa会员后,平均绩点达到0分或以上

Phi Theta Kappa participates in numerous activities revolving around its four hallmarks: leadership, 奖学金, 奖学金, 和服务. 以前的活动包括回收和“绿色”倡议, 毕业完成项目, 乳腺癌宣传活动, 生命接力, 促进小学生识字, 并为该地区的贫困儿童购买圣诞礼物. Trips include regional Phi Theta Kappa conferences 和 the International Phi Theta Kappa Conference. Major 奖学金 initiatives include the All Virginia 和 all USA Academic Teams. Phi Theta Kappa advisors can also assist students in locating 奖学金s to transfer institutions. 许多大学提供学术奖学金来表彰社团成员. 奖学金机会可在 www.作为国内.edu/ptk奖学金s.  Graduating Phi Theta Kappa members may purchase the honors regalia to wear at graduation 和 also receive the Phi Theta Kappa seal on their diplomas. 指导老师: Dr. 戴尔李

是 is an organization that inspires 和 prepares students to become community-minded business leaders. 每年,FBLA-PBL帮助超过23万名会员为商业生涯做好准备. PBL的课程重点是:领导力发展, 学术比赛, 教育项目, 会员的好处, 社区服务, 和奖励 & 识别.”
欲了解更多信息,请联系学院顾问: 菲尔·爱德华兹.

The ρν Nursing Club primarily focuses on raising money for nursing 奖学金s 和 participating in occasional community service activities. 学生 must be admitted to the MECC Nursing Program to be members of the group.  教师顾问: dcluesman@作为国内.edu or arobbins@作为国内.edu.

The 学生会协会 (SGA) provides ways 和 means for the betterment for MECC 和 its students through the advancement of leadership 和 奖学金.  学生会协会 is open to every student who is enrolled in a class at MECC. 指导老师: 韦斯·马林斯

微笑协会是DA课程的一部分.  Our goal is to increase patient literacy 和 promote good oral health habits through community service.  学生 have participated in community events 和 several school-based programs (e.g., STEM演讲,2月份全国儿童牙齿健康月).  对牙科预科感兴趣的学生(任何级别:博士预科), 口腔卫生, 或助理),欢迎参与, 和 community members are welcome to contact us for involvement in their organization or event.

If you are interested in starting a club or would like additional information, please email studentservices@作为国内.edu